UMANG is a unified Portal aggregating major citizen centric services of Central & State Governments, Local, Autonomous & Statutory Bodies through mobile apps (Android & iOS) and web. It is a Digital India Initiative, with an objective to improve ease-of-living by putting power in the hands of citizens for availing major government services anytime, anywhere with just few clicks on a single mobile app.

Since its launch on Nov 23, 2017, UMANG has grown to host 1745 Services from about 80 Central departments, ministries & autonomous bodies and 30 States; User base has grown to 5.58 crore that increasing daily. Cumulative transactions through UMANG are 383 crores.

Government’s vision is to position UMANG as a single interface for citizens to interact with government, be it services, beneficiary schemes, documents, information, engagement/ participation in governance and so on.

Leveraging UMANG, departments, ministries, states can roll out their services quickly to citizens on major access platforms without even bothering about DPR, RFP, budget/ funds and the associated skills. UMANG, being aggregation, offers economies of scale in taking services to the target users; right from development, operations, maintenance and promotions (A&C), resulting into huge savings and lower overall cost to the nation.

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