Awareness and Communication (A&C) refers to initiatives and activities undertaken by the National e-Governance Division(NeGD) to raise awareness and facilitate effective communication on various topics related to electronics, information technology, and digital initiatives. NeGD plays a crucial role in formulating and implementing policies, programs, and schemes related to the development and promotion of electronics, IT-enabled services, and the information technology sector in India. As part of its mandate, NeGD recognizes the importance of creating awareness and fostering communication to engage with stakeholders, to educate the public, and disseminate information on its various initiatives and programs. The A&C efforts of NeGD can include the following:

Digital Literacy Campaigns: A&C may undertake initiatives to promote digital literacy among citizens, especially in rural and remote areas. These campaigns aim to equip individuals with the necessary skills to effectively access and utilize digital technologies and online services.

Public Outreach Programs: A&C organizes events, workshops, seminars, and conferences to engage with various stakeholders, including industry representatives, academia, researchers, and the general public. These programs serve as platforms for knowledge-sharing, idea exchange, and collaborative discussions on emerging technologies, policies, and initiatives.

Information Dissemination: A&C utilizes various communication channels, including its official website, social media platforms, press releases, and newsletters, to disseminate information about its policies, programs, and schemes. This ensures that the public and other stakeholders are aware of the latest developments and can access relevant resources.

Campaigns on Government Initiatives: NeGD may launch awareness campaigns to promote specific government initiatives in the digital domain, such as Digital India, Make in India, Startup India, and others. These campaigns aim to generate awareness, build momentum, and encourage participation from stakeholders across sectors.

Collaborations and Partnerships: NeGD collaborates with industry associations, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and other government agencies to amplify its A&C efforts. Such collaborations help leverage expertise, resources, and networks to reach a wider audience and enhance the impact of awareness and communication initiatives.

The main objectives of the Awareness and Communication Division are:

The Awareness and Communications team of NeGD is responsible for raising awareness, promoting understanding, and facilitating effective communication about e-governance initiatives and digital transformation efforts in the country. The aim and objectives of the Awareness and Communications team of NeGD are as follows:

Promoting awareness: The primary aim of the team is to create awareness among citizens, government officials, and stakeholders about the various e-governance initiatives implemented by the government. This includes promoting awareness about digital services, online platforms, and digital infrastructure available for citizens to access government services conveniently.

Educating stakeholders: The team aims to educate stakeholders, including government officials, about the benefits, features, and functionalities of e-governance initiatives. This helps in building a strong foundation of understanding and knowledge among stakeholders, enabling them to effectively utilize and contribute to digital transformation efforts.

Enhancing user adoption: The team works towards increasing user adoption of e-governance initiatives by highlighting the convenience, efficiency, and transparency these initiatives bring to citizens and businesses. Through effective communication and awareness campaigns, the team encourages citizens to embrace digital services and actively participate in the digital transformation process.

Facilitating stakeholder engagement: The team aims to facilitate meaningful and productive engagement with stakeholders, including citizens, government officials, industry representatives, and other organizations. This includes organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences to provide a platform for knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and exchange of ideas.

Strengthening public-private partnerships: The team works towards fostering partnerships and collaborations with private sector organizations, industry associations, and non-profit organizations. These partnerships help in leveraging expertise, resources, and networks to enhance the effectiveness of awareness and communication initiatives, as well as drive innovation and sustainability in e-governance.

Measuring and evaluating impact: The team focuses on measuring the impact of awareness and communication initiatives through various metrics and feedback mechanisms. This helps in assessing the effectiveness of the team’s efforts, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions to enhance the reach and impact of e-governance initiatives.