
 ‘one-stop search and discovery of government schemes’

myScheme was dedicated to the nation on July 4, 2022 by the Honourable Prime Minister during the Digital India Week held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The myScheme platform aims to serve as a Schemes Marketplace providing a one-stop search and discovery platform for government schemes. The goal of the platform is to deliver government schemes in a seamless, convenient, cashless, paperless, faceless, time-bound, and transparent manner service delivery across government silos.

The platform also gives detailed information about scheme benefits, eligibility criteria, the application process, documents required, FAQs, and more. The schemes are divided into various categories such as Social welfare & Empowerment, Health & Wellness, Agriculture, Rural & Environment, etc. to further enhance their discovery. The user can share the link to an onboarded scheme directly on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. The myScheme platform is multilingual, ensuring wider reach and accessibility.

Objectives of MyScheme – 

  • To serve as a single National Platform for Government schemes across the Centre and the State/UT Governments.
  • To reduce the time and effort of citizens in searching multiple websites of Government departments, studying multiple scheme guidelines to check for their eligibility and track multiple service requests.
  • To empower the user to search the schemes based on the type of benefits being offered.
  • To promote innovation and entrepreneurship by providing government services through public and private channels.
  • To enable applying for a scheme from within the platform using various Government backed technology stacks.

Features of MyScheme –

  • The ‘Scheme Finder’ feature empowers the users to discover schemes that they may be eligible for (based on one’s demographic details), showcasing a well-refined list of schemes to the user.
  • The ‘Check Eligibility’ feature allows the user to easily check & ensure their eligibility for any particular scheme, by answering a set of simple Yes/No type scheme-specific questions.
  • The ‘Browse by Category’ feature allows the user to search the schemes based on the type of benefits they offer (Scholarship, Loan, Insurance, Pension, Healthcare, Skilling, etc.).
  • The ‘Feedback Module’ allows providing feedback/suggestions regarding the content and the User Interface of the myScheme portal.


As of 4th Nov 2022, myScheme hosts more than 157 schemes of the Central and State/UT Governments across 13 diverse categories. Two States/UTs namely Jammu & Kashmir, and Tripura have been on-boarded on the myScheme platform. The platform offers multilingual support (Hindi and English). The number of visitors on the myScheme portal has crossed 300K. The Daily Average Users are 6.1K+; Monthly Average Users are 230K+

Scheme Category No. of Schemes (05-01-2024)
Agriculture, Rural & Environment 193
Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance 111
Business & Entrepreneurship 172
Education & Learning 406
Health & Wellness 100
Housing & Shelter 36
Public Safety, Law & Justice 7
Science, IT & Communications 48
Skills & Employment 106
Social welfare & Empowerment 539
Sports & Culture 61
Transport & Infrastructure 27
Travel & Tourism 17
Utility & Sanitation 24