Capacity Building Scheme Phase III: Enhancing Governance through Knowledge and Capacity Building


The Capacity Building Scheme (CB) Phase III (Yr. 2023) is a strategic initiative under the Digital India programme that envisions building adequate and relevant capacities at all government levels. This phase builds on the successes and lessons learned from Phase I (Yr. 2008) and Phase II (Yr. 2015), expanding its reach and incorporating advanced learning methodologies to meet the evolving needs of governance in the digital age.

 Evolution of the Capacity Building Scheme

Phase I (2008-2015): The initial phase of the Capacity Building Scheme focused on creating a foundational structure for e-Governance by providing professional resources to States and Union Territories (UTs). It aimed to equip political and policy-level decision-makers with necessary capacities and establish State e-Mission Teams (SeMTs) to support e-Governance initiatives. Approximately 11,000 officers were trained, and 258 experts were onboarded to SeMTs.

Phase II (2015-2023): The second phase extended the focus to include Central Line Ministries (CLMs) and emphasized developing scalable and sustainable capacity-building efforts.This phase introduced the e-Governance Competency Framework, virtual cadres, and online learning platforms.Around 13,000 officers received training, and 145 professionals were integrated into SeMTs.

Vision and Objectives of Phase III

Vision: The Capacity Building Scheme Phase III envisions creating a digitally competent government workforce that can efficiently drive and manage digital governance initiatives across India, contributing to the broader goals of Digital India and sustainable development.


  • Enhance the capacities and competencies of government officials at various levels through targeted training programs.
  • Leverage advanced learning platform to provide continuous learning and knowledge sharing.
  • Develop a pool of experts in emerging technologies to provide professional and technical expertise to support the policy-making bodies of the State / UTs, thereby strengthen digital transformation initiatives
  • Foster collaboration and partnerships to exchange best practices and innovations in e-Governance.
  • Promote inclusion and awareness to ensure widespread adoption and participation in digital governance.
Key Components of Phase III

Training and Capacity Development

Phase III strongly emphasises specialized training programs designed to address the capacity-related challenges within the government. These programs cover various topics, including Digital Governance projects, emerging technologies, and role-based training for various government roles. Key initiatives include:

  • Specialized training in Digital Governance, Digital transformation and emerging technologies.
  • Certification programs for project managers and IT professionals.
  • Thematic workshops on new technology trends.
  • Role-based programs for senior officials.

Advanced Learning Platforms

Phase III introduces advanced digital learning and knowledge management solutions to support continuous learning. This includes developing content on emerging technologies, case studies, and e-learning modules that provide flexible and accessible training opportunities for government employees.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Phase III encourages collaboration with various stakeholders, including academic institutions, industry partners, and international organizations, to exchange knowledge and best practices. Initiatives such as Knowledge Exchange Programs and the creation of Communities of Practice (COP) are integral to this component.

Inclusion and Awareness

Ensuring broad-based participation in the Capacity Building Scheme, Phase III focuses on inclusion and awareness campaigns. This includes branding and outreach efforts, as well as workshops and sensitization programs at various administrative levels to promote the adoption of practices.

State e-Mission Teams

State e-Mission Teams (SeMTs) play a pivotal role in the implementation and success of e-Governance initiatives across India. Established under the Capacity Building Scheme, SeMTs are composed of domain experts and IT professionals who provide critical support to State Governments and Union Territories in planning, executing, and managing e-Governance projects. These teams act as the backbone for digital transformation at the state level, ensuring that projects are aligned with national standards and local requirements. SeMTs facilitate the customization and adoption of Digital governance solutions, offer technical guidance, and build the capacity of state officials through targeted training programs. By bridging the gap between the central vision of Digital India and state-level execution, SeMTs help in creating a cohesive and integrated digital governance framework across the country. Their efforts have been instrumental in enhancing the efficiency, transparency, and accessibility of government services, ultimately contributing to the overall goal of a digitally empowered society.

Monitoring and Evaluation

To measure the impact and effectiveness of the Capacity Building Scheme, a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework is established. This includes third-party assessments, training dashboards, and regular progress reviews to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with strategic goals.

Importance and Relevance

The Capacity Building Scheme Phase III is crucial for several reasons:

  • Digital Transformation: It supports the Digital India initiative by building a workforce capable of managing and implementing digital projects.
  • Sustainable Development: By enhancing the capacity of government employees, the scheme contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through improved governance and service delivery.
  • Innovation and Efficiency: Training in emerging technologies fosters innovation and improves the efficiency of government operations.
  • Inclusivity: The scheme promotes inclusivity by ensuring that all levels of government employees, including those in remote and undeserved areas, have access to training and development opportunities.


In conclusion, the Capacity Building Scheme Phase III is a comprehensive initiative designed to equip the Indian government workforce with the necessary capacities and knowledge to drive digital transformation and enhance governance. Through targeted training, advanced learning platforms, and robust institutional frameworks, Phase III aims to create a digitally empowered government ready to meet future challenges.